Helpful Habits for a Cleaner Home, Pt 2

Good cleaning habits help our homes stay cleaner, even when we have professional cleaning help. Our homes stay cleaner longer and they help our cleaning services get their job done in a timely manner. As a continuation from last week’s initial post, we’ll explore the ways we can cultivate these habits for a better, cleaner home.

Organisation Helps the Cleaning Process

Organisational habits are just as important as cleaning habits. They help tremendously when it comes to cleaning our home with more speed and efficiency. It improves the process of cleaning when you or the local maid service cleans your home. How does organisation help? When houses aren’t organised and are in disarray, they can make it harder to clean effectively and quickly. When other cleaning companies, such as Maid to Shine, come to clean your home, they have to either take the time to organise the items or work around the space all together. The extra time taken to organise slows the cleaning process, or if there are too many items there for the cleaning tech to rearrange, then the space doesn’t get clean.

Developing good organisational habits to improve the cleaning process is helpful. Put things away once you’ve finished using them, and try to find a place for everything. Find a place for papers such as letters, cards, bills, important documents, etc. Don’t let these things build up into piles that sit around the house. Organise them and keep them in their proper place the second you’ve finished with them. Put away shoes, coats, and clothes when you aren’t using them. A functionally organised kitchen (kept tidy after every use) is helpful as well.

Clean and Organise as You Go

Make a habit of cleaning up after yourself, and keep organised regularly. Doing these things as you go can help. Sometimes when we are in a hurry, it’s a little too easy to form poor habits by tossing shoes into a pile at the door. Take a few seconds to put these sorts of things away immediately. Put things away once a project has been finished. Habits such as this prevent extra time from being spent putting things away at a later time. Cleaning and organising won’t get out of hand. Put things where they go after a visit to the kitchen, and wipe down surfaces after preparing meals. When spills and splatters occur, while down surfaces then and there.

Keep Regular Habits

Regularly cleaning is another really great habit to form since it prevents chores from building up and becoming a monstrous hassle later. This includes little things like dusting and vacuuming regularly so that dust and dirt don’t accumulate and make a bigger mess to clean. Clean out the fridge about once a week to dispose of expired food so that it doesn’t sit in there too long. Wash loads of laundry every day, or every other day, or as regularly as is helpful to you.

Ultimately, consistency in the habits we form is the most important thing to remember, and hopefully these habits will make it easier for us to keep our homes cleaner.

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