Find Your Motivation to Clean


Cleaning certainly isn’t always a fan favorite (except maybe for us). It’s hard to get excited about something that you’d rather not be doing. We’ve got some tips for you, so hang tight, and we’ll find you your motivation to clean!


  1. Get organized- Make a list

Things can get a little overwhelming when you start to think about everything that needs to get done. When you write down your day it suddenly becomes a lot less terrifying and you get to put a fun check mark next to the things you get done.


  1. Relax- Take breaks

As the saying goes, “It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.” Keep in mind cleaning’s not a race, sometimes it’s better to pace yourself. Don’t get burned out after one thing, pause and then get back to it when you’re ready to give it your all.


  1. Make it a challenge- Set a timer

Give yourself 30 minutes to pick up the living room and see how much you can get done. It’s surprising how productive you can be when you put your focus on one specific area.


  1. Celebrate- Reward yourself

When the house has that glow and you’re feeling proud of yourself, you deserve a prize! Gobble down your favorite treat or go out and see that summer blockbuster you’ve heard everyone talking about.


  1. Discover more- Check out our Pinterest

The motivation doesn’t have to stop here, mosey on over to our Pinterest and find even more great tips to get yourself going with our ‘Cleaning Motivation’ board.


How do you pump yourself up to clean, we want to know! Leave your tips in the comments.


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