Our kitchen countertops are something we clean multiple times a day. With how often we prepare meals in there, it’s an important step to keep everything (especially on kitchen counter tops) sanitary. Sometimes, no matter how frequently or how often we wipe down the counter tops, after we’ve used them, it seems as if there […]
Tidying Up Kitchen Cupboards
When tidying up the kitchen, we’re quick to wipe down the stove and counter surfaces. We might even think about wiping down items we keep on top of these spaces, but what about the fronts of cupboards and cabinets? We touch the surfaces of these items a million times, but we never think about sanitising […]
The Secret to a Clean Floor | Part 1
By: Michelle Tran We all want clean homes. There’s no-one in particular who enjoys their house being messy and unkept— it’s exactly why you have us come clean your home! Our cleanings impact your home from top to bottom, especially those hardwood or tile floors. We make a lot of effort to get them shining, […]
Cleaning the Microwave in 6 Steps
It’s easy to forget the microwave when you’re cleaning the kitchen, but that’s a big no-no! It’s important to keep the microwave clean for your health and safety. You don’t want to start a fire because some bacon grease is still lingering inside from a few breakfasts ago. Check out our 6 easy steps to […]
How to Reduce Summer Allergies
Hello first day of summer, we’re so happy to see you! Now that we’re on to a new season and you’ve done your spring cleaning (if not, we can help with that) it’s time to start thinking about how you can maintain that cleanliness. The warmer weather brings an excellent opportunity to keep the […]
Your Health and Your Home
Winter is coming and so is cold season. Ahhh! Let’s avoid sickness this season with a clean home. It’s pretty impressive how much a tidy place can help your health. So take a little time to dust and vacuum because it may just save you a trip to the doctor’s office. In case that […]
The #1 Cleaning Hack
There’s so many wonderful cleaning hacks out there, I mean we have a whole Pinterest Board dedicated to them, but a lot of people overlook the best hack there is: Hiring a Cleaning Service! Does that really classify as a cleaning hack though? If it makes your life not only easier but better than we […]
Find Your Motivation to Clean
Cleaning certainly isn’t always a fan favorite (except maybe for us). It’s hard to get excited about something that you’d rather not be doing. We’ve got some tips for you, so hang tight, and we’ll find you your motivation to clean! Get organized- Make a list Things can get a little overwhelming when […]
Staycation Like a Pro

Sometimes the best getaway is straight to your couch. With a staycation there’s no packing, no prepping and no travel…well maybe except to the refrigerator. Here’s our guide to having the best staycation ever! Get yourself some comfy PJ’s Why even bother putting on real clothes? This day should be spent lounging in […]