Easy Back to School Organization

Organization Tips for Back to School When we go on to Pinterest to look for cute ways to organize that’s totally fun, but what’s the reality of actually painting that chalk wall, putting up the calendars and make sure everything is color coded? If you’re as busy as us when the kids head back to […]

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The Fight Against Pet Hair

Goodbye Pet Hair Summer’s heating up and you may have noticed that your little pup or kitty cat is shedding more than usual. As the seasons change so do the coats on your fuzzy creatures. Unfortunately, the hair can get annoying. You can only take so much of Fido’s fur ending up on your furniture […]

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How to Reduce Summer Allergies

Hello first day of summer, we’re so happy to see you! Now that we’re on to a new season and you’ve done your spring cleaning (if not, we can help with that) it’s time to start thinking about how you can maintain that cleanliness.   The warmer weather brings an excellent opportunity to keep the […]

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Cleaning with Kids-School’s Out

The kids are almost out of school and that means they’re about to be spending a lot more time at home…which also means more dust, dirt and crumbs. We’ve put together a few cleaning tips that will help you whip the house back in shape after the kids start going stir crazy.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When the […]

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