Sanitizing After You’ve Been Sick

With COVID still lingering and summer allergies in full swing we might find ourselves under the weather. Once you’ve rested, drank plenty of fluids, and have healed it’s important to think about cleaning your home and giving it a proper sanitizing to make sure there aren’t any germs still hiding. Maid to Shine will guide […]

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Secrets for a Clean Sink

It’s so easy for the sinks in our home to get messy, especially when they’re housing dishes, old food, toothpaste, and more. The greatest thing about sinks though is that they contain their messes! Maid to Shine has expert cleaning advice to get your sink back to its original glory. Start by giving your sink […]

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How to Clean for a Party

There’s so much to prepare for when you’re throwing a party. You have to decorate, cook, and clean. Unfortunately, cleaning will likely take the most time on your to-do list. Thankfully, the best cleaning service in Colorado Springs is here to help you speed up your cleaning routine and get your house in party shape! […]

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Fashion Guide for Efficient Cleaning

You’re probably thinking, “does it really matter what I wear when I clean?” The answer is: YES! The clothing and accessories you choose to wear when cleaning your home can affect how fast and how well you clean. Colorado Springs’ cleaning expert, Maid to Shine, is here today to help you figure out your cleaning […]

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How to Keep Your Home Clean in Colorado

If you’ve just moved to Colorado you’ve probably noticed that your house isn’t the same kind of dirty that it may have been in Texas or California. The Colorado climate lends itself to different reoccurring messes you might find in your new home. Here’s Maid to Shine’s guide to keeping your Colorado home clean. Dust […]

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How to Make Yourself Love Cleaning

Cleaning really isn’t that bad! I know it’s hard to trust us considering we are a cleaning company, but we promise it can actually be fun! Follow our steps from the best cleaning service in Colorado Springs and you’ll be enjoying cleaning in no time! Reward Yourself We all know how powerful a bribe is, […]

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5 Professional Cleaning Hacks

Maid to Shine has a cleaning system unlike any other. With a thorough cleaning manual and top of the notch training our techniques are meant to be detailed and efficient. With tips from the top cleaning service in Colorado Springs you’ll be cleaning your home like a professional in no time.  Start with Dusting Always […]

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How to Properly Sanitize Your Cell Phone

Ring! Ring! That’s your cellphone calling and it wants be cleaned. According to Seattle Times journalist Bobby Caina Calvan, “your phone is covered in germs: 25,127 bacteria per square inch, to be precise. This makes cell phones one of the dirtiest objects we come in contact with every day.” Answer the call to clean with tips […]

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