Changing Your Cleaning Mindset

For so many people cleaning isn’t fun. I guess they don’t call them chores for nothing. When you don’t want to do something it only makes it that much harder to do it. So what do you do if you have a negative mindset towards cleaning? You could try ignoring it, but we think it’s better to change it! Follow our guide to changing your cleaning mindset and you might just find that doing the chores doesn’t have to be so bad.

Do Not Get Overwhelmed 

A lot of times when people don’t like cleaning it’s because they don’t really know how to do it. Maid to Shine offers countless tutorials on cleaning techniques and we can teach you to build your own cleaning caddy so you don’t have the pressure of how to start. You can clean almost your entire house with just a duster, disinfectant, cotton towel, and vacuum. You don’t need anything fancy to get the job done.

Wind Down Your Day with Cleaning

Cleaning can be quite meditative. There’s not much to think about. You either need to dust, wipe, scrub, buff, or mop something. So while your hands are busy let your mind wander. Think about what you’re grateful for. Think about what you want for lunch the next day. Practice your breathing techniques and calm down as you clean. We love ending our day with a quick kitchen or bedroom cleaning so we’re not focusing on the stress of life. Plus, we end up with a clean area!

A Clean Space = A Clear Mind

Clutter and mess doesn’t help you when you’re stressed. A clean space can make you feel hopeful, reinvigorated, and healthy. So while you might not feel like cleaning when you start once you’re done you’ll be thankful that you did. 

Distract Yourself

If all else fails and you really can’t seem to gain a positive attitude towards cleaning distract yourself! Turn on your favorite tv show or movie and clean until it’s over. Just see how far you get. Take the pressure off yourself to finish everything in a day and just get to what you get to and work on the rest tomorrow. 

Our cleaning techs at Maid to Shine clearly love to clean but it’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. Try to stay positive and remember that your future self will thank you when your stove top isn’t coated in burnt food and your shelves aren’t home to dust. We believe in you! Start changing you cleaning mind set today!

3 comments on “Changing Your Cleaning Mindset

  1. These are great tips for spring cleaning before moving to a new house/apartment! These things don’t get cleaned often and if It appears challenging I usually overlook it and just don’t clean it! The easy steps makes it super easy to do!

  2. I completely agree with the concept of changing our cleaning mindset and viewing it as a form of self-care. Your tips on creating a routine and finding joy in the process really spoke to me. I also love the emphasis on using eco-friendly products, it’s not only good for the environment but also for our health. I have always struggled with viewing cleaning as a chore, but after reading this post, I am now inspired to turn it into a mindful and enjoyable experience. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and reminding us of the importance of taking care of ourselves and our surroundings. This post is truly a game-changer!

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