Thanksgiving Cleaning Tips

Written by: Michelle Tran


Thanksgiving is only a week away but there’s so much left to do. Among all of the chaos, food planning and preparations, decorating, you still have your entire house to clean: ensuring your families holiday experience is positive and memorable. It can certainly feel overwhelming, but cleaning your home doesn’t have to be negative. Here are a few tips that might streamline your holiday preparations and ease your stress.

Be Organized

As you begin to prepare to clean your home, two key elements that will help you a lot is organization and priority. You can bring your Thanksgiving clean up to a sparkling standard in no time if you approach it with this sort of efficiency. The more organized you are in cleaning your home, the more effective the cleaning can be. In turn, prioritizing your top-most cleaning needs keeps you organized.


Your list of rooms to clean and prepare for Thanksgiving probably includes the kitchen, guest bathrooms (and rooms), living spaces, and the dining room. You may even have a few other rooms in mind. Make a list of every room you want to clean, and once you’ve made this list, number the priority of every room from the most to least important. Align your cleaning to this list. Knock off and pour your efforts into the rooms with the most importance; continue to work your way down the list. Another little helpful tidbit is considering whether or not you should break up the cleaning list over several days— if at all possible. Choose a room to clean on Monday, another set of rooms to clean on Tuesday, and the last few rooms on Wednesday. This is incredibly helpful for several reasons. If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, often times it does a lot to take away the burden of stress to do a little of a monumental task here and there. It feels attainable to clean an entire house if you’re doing it a little at a time. Doing this also prevents you from becoming completely burnt out of holiday spirit and holiday chores. You can enjoy your time with a little bit of extra thought and preparation.

And just like that, your Thanksgiving preparations have become that much easier! With a little little bit of thought and organization, you can map out your priorities, make cleaning a breeze, and fully enjoy your Thanksgiving plans.

27 comments on “Thanksgiving Cleaning Tips

  1. Great blog was very informative. Thanks for sharing this information for thanksgiving cleaning tips It was very useful, it helped me take home cleaning services from Hicare Home Cleaning

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  3. I totally agree with you! For cleaning, pre-planning, organization, and prioritization are essential. Without them, I get confused about what to do next. Having a checklist of cleaning task is handy for me. I also liked the idea of chunking down cleaning tasks over the week and create a weekly cleaning routine.

    Thank you for sharing! 🙂
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  4. The great blog turned into very informative. Thanks for sharing these statistics for thanksgiving cleaning recommendations It was very beneficial, it helped me take home cleaning offerings from Home Cleaning

  5. I hate cleaning. Cleaning is such a tough task. It can be easy by planning, organizing and use proper tools. In this article Michelle Tran has figure out some tips which will make cleaning process easy for me.

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  8. I totally agree that cleaning for a certain occasion can be overwhelming. I usually just keep the house as it is but I just recently got notified by my parents that they’ll be coming over for the holidays. It would probably be better to hire professionals for residential cleaning services so I can focus on food preparation.

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