We’re back this week with tips for spring cleaning three more areas of your home. Check out our last article on Spring Cleaning for your kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms. This week we’re covering spring cleaning for your closets, kids’ bedrooms, and your living room.
Spring Cleaning for Your Closets 
Every good home has at least a couple of closets, if not plenty of them. Start with the ones that contain any type of clothing and clear out things like socks and gloves that no longer have a match, clothing that is worn out or faded, and things that no longer fit. This should give you plenty more room and make keeping your closet clean and organized much simpler. Next, move onto your other closets and do a similar clear out. Get rid of board games missing their pieces, threadbare towels, and things you haven’t touched in months.
Decluttering Your Kids’ Rooms
If your child is old enough, invite them to help you clean out their room. Sit down together and decide which toys they might be willing to part with and help them get rid of toys that are broken. Once that is done be sure to toss out, or replace, other things like dried out art supplies such as markers and paints. Finally, clear out any furniture your child has gotten too big for.
Tidying Up Your Living Room
As one of the central common areas of your home, the living room is an important area to keep clean and tidy. If you’ve got a rug that’s always tripping you up, use your spring cleaning as a reason to finally buy something to secure it to the floor beneath it—but not before doing a thorough cleaning underneath! Next, sort out your remotes. Consider buying and programming a universal remote so that you can remove the clutter of having a different remote for each of your devices. Remove other clutter such as old magazines or books, dead plants, or depleted candles.
As a professional Colorado Springs maid service, Maid to Shine is happy to help you get your home neat and tidy in the Spring season. We’ll be back with one more set of spring cleaning tips to help you out with your home office, garage, and basement!
[…] and bedrooms as well as your closets, kid’s rooms, and living room. Today we’re wrapping up this series with three more cleaning tips for your home office, garage, and […]
[…] bedrooms as well as your closets, kid’s rooms, and living room. Today we’re wrapping up this series with three more cleaning tips for your home office, garage, and […]