Our mission statement is: “Maid to Shine is a Christ centered business that give PEACE to its clients by providing custom residential house cleaning so they can reclaim their valuable time and rejuvenate their minds, bodies and spirits.” We make sure that every one of our team members knows this and carries out each cleaning […]
How A Clean Space Can Improve Grades
With a new school year comes new opportunities…to make better grades! There’s countless ways to do that: pay better attention in class, take notes, study the list could go on and I’m sure, by now, many students already have that advice memorized. However, there’s a simple fix that many people don’t realize may be […]
Speed Clean: 4th of July

Wednesday Time’s ticking away and you still need to clean the house, buy the fireworks, make the perfect patriotic dessert, decide between hotdogs or hamburgers (although why choose) and figure out what to cook up for your just-gone-vegan niece all before Tuesday. Thursday Today is soccer practice… that means you get […]
Let’s Mop in an S Formation

Is there anything worse than spending hours mopping just to take a step back and only see streaks and smudges! Trust us, that kind of stuff gets real old real fast. Follow our mopping guide to get the perfect shine on those tough floors! Always Mop in an […]
Move Out Cleaning Colorado Springs
5 Things You Should Know About Move Out Cleaning Moving soon? Move out cleaning in Colorado Springs offers many benefits including saving you time and energy during your big move. If you’re considering move out cleaning, the following are a few things you should know about the benefits and services you’ll receive. Move Out Cleaning […]
Need a Move Out Cleaner in Colorado Springs? How to Plan for Move Out Cleaning
Are you moving soon? Amongst the hustle and bustle of packing, organizing, and moving, you can’t forget the all-important task of cleaning your home so it’s shiny and clean for the new occupants. Whether you hire a move out cleaner in Colorado Springs or take on the task yourself, there are a few important things […]
5 Reasons You’ll Save Time and Hassle with a Move Out Cleaner
When you’re moving from one house or apartment to the next, you have enough details to keep track of. Adding the task of deep cleaning your entire home is one thing you should never fret over. Here are five great reasons why hiring a move out cleaner in Colorado Springs will save you time and […]
8 Tips to Clean Your House for Winter
As winter comes to around, it’s time to think about making your home clean and cozy. Don’t have time? A local cleaning service can take this burden off your shoulders so you can enjoy the changing season. Meanwhile, here are a few tips for cleaning this winter. Switch Out Your Seasonal Clothes Take an hour […]
How To Find the Best House Cleaning Service
Your house is dirty and you don’t have time to clean it right now. How do you know where to start to find the best house cleaning service? Are all house cleaning services equal? Not quite. There are a few things you should know when searching for the best house cleaning service. Use these tips […]
7 Things Your House Cleaning Company Would Want You to Know
A house cleaning company exists to help simplify your life and handle the important task of cleaning. Here are a few things we’d want you to know. 1- Don’t Be Embarrassed by the Mess We’ve seen it all before. So, if you are stressed and your house is messier than you can ever remember, don’t […]